How do I know when it’s time?

This is probably the most common question we get from pet caregivers. Many people are scared of making the decision early; many more are afraid to make the decision too late. Some people are waiting for some indication or “look” from their pet. This may never come.

We understand the pressure you feel in making this decision. Your pet depends on you for their safety and well-being. When we love our pets, we commit ourselves to protecting them from any harm. It can be immensely difficult to make the decision to euthanize your pet. Please know that you are not in this alone. We will go through all of your concerns together, as a team. You can simply give us a call to set up an appointment to get started.

Terminal illnesses and old age are often like a roller coaster; there are ups and downs, good days and bad days. A quality of life scale like the one below can help give you an objective perspective of your pet’s well-being. The scale is used periodically over several weeks. It may seem on a bad day that there are nothing BUT bad days. We want you to be sure of your decision so your family can find peace. Prior to making that final decision, your pet will get a comprehensive examination by Dr. Wood. If she feels the condition could be managed or improved, we will strive to make that happen or if needed will refer you to a neighboring hospital for additional same-day diagnostics or treatments.


Monitor Closely For


Many people like to say that pets “hide” their pain. Some research has concluded that this may not be the case. Carnivores like cats and dogs do not have a reason to hide their pain like prey animals do. Instead, they simply lack the emotional attachment to their pain like humans. Yes, they feel discomfort… they simply don’t care about it like we do. With this understanding, it’s important to realize that when pets in hospice care DO show us outward displays of pain, we should be reaching for a multi-modal protocol (several medications), including strong medications like opioids, anti-inflammatories (like carprofen), and others like acupuncture or laser. If you’re interested in a much more in-depth look at pain in pets, pick up Dr. Temple Grandin’s book Animals in Translation and read Chapter 5 “Pain and Suffering.”

Common signs of pain in cats and dogs: Pacing, excessive panting, hiding in unique areas, not seeking interaction with family, growling, snarling, snapping, immobility, whining, not eating, flinching when touched. 

Cats especially can display early signs of pain in a unique way. New research has shown that an unwillingness to jump or not jumping as high is a strong early indicator for pain in cats.


Human hospice has a saying “food and water are for the living.” Pets can physiologically survive for many days without food and water, although the lack of appetite or thirst can be a sign that the body has begun shutting down. Appetite stimulants can sometimes help restore the appetite for a certain period of time. Also keep in mind that some pets may never lose their desire to eat. In many cases appetite can be a good indication of the internal function (or dysfunction) of the pet. If your pet has a poor appetite and you are considering making food for them at home, please check out Balance It. This website was created by veterinary nutritionists at UC Davis.


Many pet owners feel terribly guilty over the natural annoyance they feel when their pet becomes incontinent. This is normal; keep in mind pets do not like to “soil their den” and as a result may experience anxiety which may be visible by increased panting or appearing uncomfortable. If left unkempt incontinence can lead to bed sores and eventually systemic infection in severe cases.


Arthritis and mobility issues are common as our pets age. Usually, these signs first become evident at night when the pet begins to pace around the house. It may progress to falling, unable to stand, unable to urinate/defecate, and panting heavily. During the later stages you may find your pet very anxious. As they (usually dogs) begin to understand that they cannot get up and down on their own accord, their natural anxiety level rises as they start to feel like “prey” instead of being the predator. They can no longer protect their family as they once did. When anti-inflammatories and other medications cease to work, quality of life should be a concern.


If you have been an earnest observer of your pet's behavior and attitude during his or her lifetime, you will be the best at determining when they no longer seem "happy." You'll know when they no longer enjoy food, toys, or the environment around them. Most of all, they no longer enjoy or seek out contact with you and the rest of its family. Most pets are tremendously easy to please, so when it no longer becomes possible to raise a purr or a tail-wag, you should be considering what kind of quality of life your pet is experiencing. You know your pet the best. When you have concerns, talk to us.


To help you keep track of your pets good days and bad days, we’ve listed some resources for you. Remember to do them regularly, not just when your pet feels bad. Pick a few days a week or do the week as a whole. This will help you have an objective view for when your pet needs help!

Pet Hospice Journal. This is an online diary and Quality of Life scale. Answer the questions to the best of your ability and it will keep a log with a chart so you can keep track of your pet’s comfort accurately. It will help you know when your pet may need additional medical management, or when it may be getting closer to the right time to say goodbye. You will need to login each time.

Daily Diary. If you prefer to print out your weekly diary, try this one. Use the included Quality of Life scale to help assess your pet’s condition. Use the diary to keep track of your pet’s progress.

Calendar. If you want something simpler and more big-picture, try this monthly calendar. Mark a smiley face for good days and an X for bad day to track your pet’s overall day experiences.

Grey Muzzle. This is an app for IOS or Android that will help you keep track of your pet’s quality of life. It includes a calendar so you can see the big picture and a chart to track progress for hospice care goals.

*Thank you to Lap of Love. Material from this page was taken from their website